Питомник «Forseti»
Моя любовь к кошкам началась... с собак! Не удивляйтесь! Я всю свою жизнь так любила собак, что когда увидела котёнка, поразившего меня красотой, не удержалась и неожиданно для самой себя забрала его домой! Так у меня появился шотландский питомец, замечательная девочка скоттиш-страйт голубого окраса, на первой же выставке отмеченная экспертами самыми высокими оценками.

Породы: шотландская короткошёрстная, шотландская длинношёрстная, скоттиш-фолд, хайленд-фолд
Руководитель: Коваленко Ирина Аркадьевна
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Pinoy Flix is known as the best site to visit if you are interested in watching replays of TV shows online. The mission of Pinoy Teleserye is to offer an opportunity to every Filipino to enjoy free TV shows through the use of Internet (especially for those Filipinos who are busy and cannot want their TV shows on a daily basis).Thanks to the Internet, the mission of Pinoy Lambingan will definitely be achieved and will continue to make Filipinos happy. Pinoy tambayan is specially designed to get happiness and enjoyment in Filipino households.
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Pinoy Flix is known as the best site to visit if you are interested in watching replays of TV shows online. The mission of Pinoy Teleserye is to offer an opportunity to every Filipino to enjoy free TV shows through the use of Internet (especially for those Filipinos who are busy and cannot want their TV shows on a daily basis).Thanks to the Internet, the mission of Pinoy Lambingan will definitely be achieved and will continue to make Filipinos happy. Pinoy tambayan is specially designed to get happiness and enjoyment in Filipino households.
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