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Importrance of physical activities
Children need to be active all day to endorse their healthy development. Children who begin healthy lifestyle patterns at an early age will transmit them - and their benefits - onward for the rest of their lives.
Physical activity can help children handle with anxiety. It also promotes: 
· Healthy growth and development 
· Improved self-esteem 
· Sturdier bones, muscles and joints 
· Improved posture and balance 
· A stronger heart 
· A better weight ranges 
· Social collaboration with friends 
· Learning new skills while having fun 
· Better focus and concentration during school
Ask if they need to be a part of a team or do an distinct activity, enrol in a talent based or frivolous class or do their activity with a friend or family fellow. 
Parents can afford support and supervision about how to start and how much exercise a child needs each day. They want to feel driven and relish their activities. Keeping an activity record can help them chart their development, while acclaim and recompenses for each small step attained can help to keep them inspired. 
Children should: 
· Comprise a warm up and cool down as part of their activity session
· Drink water before, and after physical activities - and have water breaks during their physical activities
· Wear sunscreen, hat and sunspecs when outside in warmer weather
· Use the right size of defensive equipment
· Twitch at a level that matches their existing fitness level. Too much too soon can affect in injury.
Endurance or aerobic activities - activities that include incessant movement of large muscle assemblies - upsurge heart rate, cause breathing to speed up, and make you work up a sweat. They are significant for growth of a healthy heart and lungs. 
Endurance activities can be very of fun - and they don't have to be modest. Help your children choose the precise activities for them. Here are a few examples: 
· Scootering, in-line skating, skateboarding
· Swimming, skating, dancing, tennis, martial arts  
· Hiking, jogging, skipping, playing tag, cycling, dodgeball  
· Hockey, football, soccer, basketball  
· Skiing, lacrosse, wall climbing  
Activities that inspire children to bend, stretch and grasp promote flexibility. Having satisfactory flexibility allows children to partake in daily activities without pain or constraint from their muscles or joints. 
Being flexible endorses good posture, decreases muscle arduousness and soreness, upsurges relaxation and reduces menace of injury 
Flexibility Activities 
· Active play on a playground 
· Digging in the garden or at the beach, raking leaves
· Gymnastics, dancing, wall climbing 
· Yoga, skipping, stretching routines 
Working in contradiction of a confrontation helps children build stronger muscles. Suitable muscular strength allows kids to pact with the difficulties of daily life without excessive strain on their joints and muscles. 

Activities that build strength indorse strong bones, muscles and good posture, progress the ability to boost and manoeuvre stuffs and obstacles and improve healthy growth and development. 

Activities to promote sturdy bones and muscles include: 
· Lifting and carrying things like groceries, garbage and garden waste 
· Raking leaves, climbing stairs 
· Gymnastics, sit-ups and push-ups 
· Playground activities: climbing ladders, scaling poles 
· Exercises using their own body weight as confrontation or supervised weight training exercises using tubing, bands and hand weights. 
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