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Питомник «LiGrey»

  1. Functional and Decorative Objects: Minakari is applied to a wide range of objects, both functional and decorative. Examples include plates, bowls, vases, jewelry, and other items. It's not uncommon to see Minakari on religious items, such as Quran covers or prayer beads.

  2. Cultural Significance: Minakari has deep cultural and historical significance in Iran. It has been practiced for centuries and has been used to adorn various religious and cultural artifacts. It reflects the Persian aesthetic and craftsmanship.
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there is no widely recognized or prominent artist by the name "Firoozeh Koobi" in the art world. It's possible that there have been developments or new artists emerging since then. If Firoozeh Koobi is a relatively unknown or emerging artist, there might not be extensive information available about their work.
If Firoozeh Koobi is a contemporary artist or someone who gained recognition after 2022, I recommend checking online art platforms, galleries, or the artist's official website for the latest information about their art, exhibitions, and any relevant details. Additionally, social media platforms often serve as a good source for artists to showcase their work and connect with their audience.
Keep in mind that the art world is diverse, and many talented artists may not have widespread recognition. If you have more specific details or context about Persian firoozeh koobi, I would be happy to try to provide more relevant information.

  1. Designs and Motifs: Persian jewelry is known for its elaborate designs and intricate motifs, often inspired by nature, geometric patterns, and cultural symbols. Common motifs include floral patterns, birds, animals, and calligraphy.

  2. Techniques: iranian jewelry mastered various techniques such as filigree (intricate metalwork using fine wires), engraving, chasing, cloisonné enamel, and inlay work. These techniques were passed down through generations and are still practiced today.
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